Wednesday: While others were decorating around camp, it was discovered that there was one Christmas tree that wasn't needed anywhere, so it was put up in our living room! (Since that's a busy night with Awana and all, the only decorating I did to it was topping it with a pineapple.) I bought some ingredients to make fudge that night.
Thursday: Made fudge! The final decorations were put up around camp. (Now we're just waiting for some snow!)
Friday: Last week, many of Emily's relatives asked me to come back on this night for an all-family "Thanksgiving" dinner. That was a fun night, even though it meant we didn't get back to camp until after midnight.
Saturday: Even though we were only serving one meal that day, since there were only a few of us it still meant nearly seven hours in the kitchen. But we did get to enjoy a nice meal among the finally-finished Christmas decorations.
Sunday: Got to attend church for the first time in months. (The last time I went to ANY church was while I was in Tennessee, and the last time I attended Fremont Alliance was in July.) After church, I headed over to Walmart to buy some holiday stuff and a few toiletries. Out of all the things on my shopping list, conditioner was the only thing I got, but I still ended up with a basket overflowing with things to buy. It all started when I saw a Phineas and Ferb popcorn tin, which grew into a cup and wrapping paper that also had Phineas and Ferb.
While at Wal-Mart, I ran into Jon. He said a quick "hi" to me before turning in the opposite direction, as if he had something to hide. (But more on that later.) A few seconds later, Mikayla ran up to me, saying that she was there with Chris.
Although Wal-Mart almost felt like a staff and family Christmas party, it wasn't. However, just a few hours later there actually WAS a Christmas party for staff and their families. We went to Sempeck's and started off with an hour of bowling. The girls wanted Emily and I in their lane. Since we had more people than any of the other lanes, we only got through one "real" game of bowling with only a few minutes to spare. For the last few minutes, we put the bumpers up and just did random things, like bowling between the legs, laying down and pushing the ball down the lane, spinning before bowling... you get the picture. After that, we all played a lively round of Laser Tag. We decided that a kids versus adults would be fair. (I am only one week older than Chris, but we decided that in terms of maturity, I should be an adult and he should be a kid.) Apparently the laser tag employee gave the grown-up team extra points to start out with, but we didn't even need them because we dominated! I got the high score of 9275 and only got shot three times. My technique was to stay on the second story and snipe the kids below. Kirk said that I was his main target, but he only ended up actually shooting me once. We even got in a mano a mano fight, pushing each other's guns out of the way while trying to shoot the other person's vest, but we soon realized that we were in too close of a range for it to work. (He blamed his poor aim saying that my sensors must have been broken.)
After laser tag, we all went outside to cool off for a few minutes. Then most people went to watch the kids play go-carts, but the rest of us went into our party room. Pretty soon, we were noshing on pizza and enjoying each other's company. Then, Jon pulled out a bag from Wal-Mart. Inside were two stockings, two dice, a Santa hat, and three wrapped gifts. He explained that this was a game where one person had to wear the Santa hat on their head and the stockings on their hands while trying to unwrap a gift. Everyone else would pass the dice around the table until someone rolled doubles, when they got the chance to wear the ridiculous getup and attempt to unwrap the present. All the gifts were wrapped several times, so it took quite a long time to unwrap even one gift. Mike rolled doubles so often that we considered sending him to Vegas with some of camp's money! Although he wasn't the one to actually finish unwrapping any gift, his kids got the first two! They probably would have unwrapped the third gift too if they hadn't decided to sit out that round. Since Emily had to leave before the game started, I was the only person there without a family, so the odds were very much against me. However, I managed to finish unwrapping a Ghirardelli Peppermint Chocolate Bar right before Paula rolled doubles!
And this is just the beginning of the Christmas season. I found several recipes this morning that I'm excited to make. I'm also probably going to do some Salvation Army bell-ringing this week. Oh, and I still have lots of shopping to do!

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