Sunday, July 28, 2013

It's Over

Summer camp season is officially over. While the last day is bittersweet, now that it's over, I'm kind of glad it is. In a way, it's like my "summer vacation" finally started. And of course, I'm going to spend my summer in a very Phineas-and-Ferb-like manner. It started off right after the final summer program with big-swinging, four-wheeling, and other things that I for some reason never do at camp. Then today I went to church and then bought some picnic-type food to take to the Fremont Lakes. I actually haven't been there in over a year, so the last time I went there, I was not yet a geocacher. So between caching, hiking, eating, sightseeing, and wading, it was a fun, tiresome day. But before I continue on my fresh start to summer, I'd like to look back at some of the highlights of camp:

Thursdays: Before the summer began, I had some "Staff Kids" shirts made for all the staff kids. They were kind of like the staff shirts, but they were black and white instead of blue and green. Well, of course instead of saying "staff" on the back, it said "staff kid". But with that, I may have ordered two different shirts displaying our name-calling antics. Thus was the birth of Jerk Thursday. (Also known as Bully Thursday.) Just knowing the day's dress code automatically made Thursday my favorite day of the week. During Junior High One camp, the speaker even incorporated a story about how the "Bully" was dominating 9 Square during free time that day. I don't remember what point he was trying to make in that session, but it's true that I did spend most of my time in the king square.

High School Camp: If Thursdays were my favorite weekday, then high school camp was my favorite week. For one, it was super easy. Teenagers have a tendency not to complain about their minor illnesses and injuries. Plus, since it was the last week, I didn't have to prepare any paperwork for the upcoming week. That meant I could do fun things, like read more often and dominate even more at 9 Square. This camp also had a few unique activities, like playing in the mud pit and swimming in the river.

So yes, summer camp season is over. But just to clear the air about the assumption that camp people don't do anything except during the summer, there is still plenty to be done here. There are nonstop retreats all throughout August!

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