Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hosting, Winter, and Other Things That Are Happening Now...

For the past three weekends I've ended up hosting to some level or another...

2 Weekends Ago: Whitetail Lodge host for the craft retreat. We had a retreat for Dexcom during the weekdays after (they're kinda like our bosses; they're the leadership of the C&MA region), but that's the only thing I DIDN'T host.

Last Weekend: St. Patrick's Catholic Church. It was a confirmation retreat for their teens, and they didn't even need meals or activities or anything. I really only did three things that weekend: 1. Show them where the basketballs were, 2. Give them a lightbulb because the one that illuminated the Virgin Mary statue burned out, and 3. Take out their trash. Exciting weekend, right?

This Weekend: Girl Scouts and Paintball. The paintball group will only be here for a few hours today, and I don't even have to run it. The Girl Scouts seem like a good group, but again, they're doing they're own meals and aren't doing any activities (except a service project, which again, I'm not even running). It was originally planned for Erin to host this weekend, but she's been in Mexico for a week and wanted to see her family this weekend. I tried using the excuse that I NEVER get to see my family, but here I am hosting this weekend! (No worries though, I'm actually enjoying it!)

The problem with retreats that don't have meals or activities is that you only need one person working. So if everyone else has a reason to get out of here, they leave and you're stuck alone. Since Erin's been in Mexico (and generally goes to Lincoln on the weekends anyway), Jordan's been on a three-week vacation, and Kristjun always seems to find plans for the weekend, it's been just me. It's not like I never get out, though. In fact, just a few days ago, I hitched a ride with the Solmens to Omaha to see a musical performance. Kristjun gave me a hard time about ditching him, even though he was going out that night anyway, but whatever. I try to find things to do though. For example, last night I did this:

It's planking...with an actual plank!
 I often end up watching Friends, although it's definitely not the same as hanging out with real "friends".

Next week we won't have any groups, and we'll have Thursday-Sunday off for Thanksgiving. We might even go to the zoo on Wednesday. I'll be spending Thanksgiving with Adam's family (although it would be much cooler to spend Thanksgiving with THE Addams Family! lol), and then probably just hang out with Chris and Kristjun and Sydney for the weekend.

Oh yeah, and it's getting pretty cold. When I was taking a lighter to the Girl Scouts this morning, it was raining and everything. It hasn't snowed yet, though.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Striped Socks and Suspenders

I found this cool webstore called Sock Dreams, which is actually a store in Portland, Oregon. I decided to order two things from them: thigh-high pink-and-black striped socks, and magenta suspenders.

They came two days ago. I wore the socks right off the bat (just in time for a super-cold day!), and wore the suspenders yesterday. I decided to get the suspenders because last week, I got a really bad allergic reaction to my belt buckle. I figured there would probably be nickel in the suspender clasps as well, but I covered them with tape and have to tuck my shirt in to wear the suspenders, so I don't think it will be a problem.

Today, I finally managed to incorporate both the socks and the suspenders into one outfit (while borrowing my roommate's fedora and shirt). I thought it would be fun to wear suspenders with a skirt, and the socks with bright shoelaces. Here it is, in my oh-so-dramatic pose:
We have the Ladies' Craft and Quilt Retreat this weekend. I'm one of the lodge hosts, so maybe I'll get to learn how to quilt or craft or something. Erin already promised to teach me how to knit, so we'll see if I can manage to make a scarf and cellie cover this weekend. After that retreat, we have another conference, so we don't get a day off until Wednesday. Whew!

A few other things about my life:
-I'll be starting an EMT course soon, paid for by Rivercrest! (They're paying for the credit tuition, and they'll pay for the fees and books too if I promise to work during the summer as a staff member with EMT certification.)
-I get to start volunteering at Relevant's Kids Sunday school. I can't make it this week because of the retreat, but I'll start shadowing this month and then after that I'll help about once a month.
-I watched a snake swallow a live mouse whole today. It was pretty entertaining.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SM Reach: Fire and Hay

Last Wednesday our student ministry had a "Reach" called Fire and Hay. We went out to the country and the kids got to do things like sip hot cider, roast s'mores, take hayrack rides, and sit around the campfire. We also organized a few games for them, and, of course, there was a gospel presentation. Here are the pics:
Sarah and I getting the food-stuff ready.

Games were one of the first organized activities we did. I'm explaining the game that I planned as Kristjun and I try on garbage bags for size.

The supplies for the game that's about to begin.

A boys vs. girls relay... they had to spread peanut butter on a slice of bread and stick it on either me or Kristjun.

The girls lost, but at least I didn't get any peanut butter stuck to my face!

It was really fun... for everyone I hope!

Obviously I didn't take these pics. I don't know who did and I don't know who posted them on the student ministry Facebook page, but whoever did thought it would be funny to title this photo "David and Goliath". Really?
Tonight we're back to typical small group student ministry. Sarah and I decided to scrap the standard lesson plan and make up our own because the girls really just wanted/needed to know about the basics. So tonight, I'm giving a brief history of the Bible in middle school-friendly format. We'll see how that goes! I also ended up helping work on planning a service project for all the students to participate in, which is WAY more frustrating than it sounds, especially since I know almost nothing about Elkhorn/Omaha charities! I'm praying that this will all be worth it in the end.