Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's My Monthiversary!

I've been here for an entire month now! How crazy is that? Look, I'm already dressed like Dorothy and blending in with the cornfield scenery:

Okay, so that was actually my first time in a Nebraskan cornfield. (I snuck onto our neighbor's property just for that pic, shh don't tell!) But really, they're everywhere.

Anyway, back to my everyday life, we just finished the Captivated mother-daughter retreat yesterday so today's pretty much just a recovery sort of day. I helped with checking in on Friday, helped with the zipline yesterday morning, and ran the hair and nails station yesterday afternoon, and other than that was just constantly helping wherever help was needed. On Friday night we went on a night hike. The rule was no flashlights, and there was only one lantern. (Originally all of us interns were supposed to have a candle but the wax dripped on us and the candles burnt out so easily we decided not to do that.) So everyone passed the lantern forward and back up the line to whoever needed to help them get over holes, steps, etc on the trail, but otherwise our eyes adjusted pretty well to the dark. I was actually getting annoyed with the lantern because I could see just as much in complete dark. But as much as I disliked the lantern, I didn't intentionally do what happens next: at one point in the hike, I was passing the lantern to the person behind me. I could tell she grabbed it, but I didn't check to make sure she had an actual hold of it before letting go. She dropped it and it fell to the ground and burnt out. Oh well. Back to the rest of the retreat, I liked having all the on-call staff around because there's always someone to hang out with (unlike Sundays where there's NO ONE to hang out with!). There were probably at least seven people staying here in our chapel basement home Friday night. It was a really fun retreat, and the first one I've worked at that involved meals! We didn't serve any meals to the campers on Friday, but we did get Papa Murphys and cookies for dinner. Yesterday for breakfast we had eggs, diced potatoes and danishes, and for lunch we had cherry chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, and banana pudding. I didn't take any pictures at the retreat, but I DID get some pics of the leftovers!

This represents a fraction of the banana pudding I ate yesterday.

Yesterday I also watched a Huskers game for the first time. Apparently Nebraskans are really bent on the Huskers games. It's like the intensity of Oregon's Civil War but every Saturday. But anyway, at the closing ceremony yesterday the worship team was watching it upstairs so I decided to watch it too. I'm not going to give my opinions on the team or the game because either way I would receive negative consequences.

Since we worked for most of Saturday, we have tomorrow morning off. We "work" in the afternoon, but we're actually going on a fun little field trip. Here's a hint at what we're doing:


  1. So, watcha doing????? Mom

  2. Reading, computing, watching movies, and otherwise just being BORED! Oh, I did have a Bill and Ted marathon last night cuz I was bored and alone. Ask Jen if she's ever seen the sequel "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey".


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