Thursday, January 31, 2013

8 Things About the Past 7 Days

1. A few days after discovering that I had a small, furry, beady-eyed office mate, I walked into my office after lunch break and found a mouse pad. On top of the mouse pad was a plastic bag with a dead mouse inside. Jeff says he's trying to find more for me.

2. Camp got a new super-nice camera. I got to test it out at Winter Camp weekend.

3. Winter Camp was a lot of fun. Although most of my time was spent doing media stuff, I got to lead indoor initiatives (our first time trying it out, and it worked really well), saw the ice climbing wall in action, and even played a round of nighttime broom ball.

4. I pulled my first all-nighter putting together Winter Camp video footage so that the kids could see the premiere on Sunday morning.

5. This week is the Missions Conference at church. Although I couldn't attend on Sunday, I sat in on a Russian missionary's presentation last night at Awana, and plan on attending a Friday dinner and the church service this coming Sunday.

6. A family is really interested in hiring me to work for them a couple nights a week. Please pray for this.

7. Because I was exhausted from the weekend's all-nighter, I slept all Sunday afternoon and most of Monday. Then I realized I had committed to go to the Jefferson House and that there was also an EMS course that evening. After spending an hour at the Jefferson House organizing the clothing basement, I went home for half an hour to eat before heading to Cedar for a 2-hour course.

8. Last week I brought Challah bread to Awana for foreign land night, and people wanted my recipe. Since I'm cheap in that I make a bunch of things from scratch, I decided to start a "Bargain Baking" blog.

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