Saturday, May 26, 2012

Middle-Aged Nurse Reflects on Past Year While Looking Ahead

On Monday, Eli and I went back to college! Jeff had asked us to help out his evening EMT class as they took their National Registry Practical. There was pizza in the deal, so of course we took him up on the offer! It was kind of crazy to be back in the old classroom. I thought our class ending with nine students wasn't very much, but this class only had four! Just like I was the only girl in my class, there was also only one girl in that class, so we could relate. We started out eating pizza, and Eli and I told the class about our adventures with the National Registry Exam, in hopes that we could give them a few pointers. Then Dr J and Eli stayed in that room to test on CPR and oxygen therapy while Jeff and I went into the other room for the medical emergency test. I played a body builder who felt a crushing chest pain when she was lifting 225 lbs. The first two people to test went as expected (Dr J and Jeff referred to them as "the twins" because they were always competing with each other to get the better grade). When the third person was describing his patient, he said "middle-aged woman complaining of chest pain". I didn't want to say anything to disrupt him from his exam, but I must have given a funny look. A few seconds later, Jeff said "actually she's in her early twenties, but go on". We had a good laugh about that, and when the next person came in, we were waiting to hear what he would say to describe me. He actually missed that part, so when he was leaving, Jeff asked "Wait, how old did you say the patient was?" He glanced over at me and responded "Uh... mid-thirties?" So for the past week Jeff had been teasing me about being so old!

But besides having a new running gag around camp, the EMT class was a helpful refresher since I'll be working as the "nurse" this summer. This basement is already getting set up to become the summer clinic. Eli moved out already, my room's rearranged so I could fit a couch, the other side of the basement has a bunch of health equipment in it, and the large living area is a total disaster zone! It's kind of saddening to me, because it's like, this is it, internship's over, time to move on. But I guess it's a good thing I'm sad, because it proves it was a good year (or at least an INTERESTING year!). Check this out:

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I figured out today that this year, the amount of states I have been to has increased by over 50%! But that's just scratching the surface. Here are a few more highlights of the year from a more spiritual level:
-I learned the ins and outs of several types of ministry.
-I learned to distinguish culture from Christianity.
-I got a greater glimpse of what God wants me to do with this life he's given me.
-I gained a more glocal (global AND local) perspective on serving God.
-I learned to just be open and let God do amazing things!

I was in charge of coming up with the theme days, which naturally led me to coming up with theme games. Months ago, when I first found out we were going to have an adventure-themed summer camp, I imagined the theme days to be things you'd come across on a road trip, like fast food, tourist traps, and campgrounds.  Yet somehow, when I actually was asked to come up with the themes, it just seemed like a natural fit to do continents, maybe so I could share my newly gained glocal missions perspective with the campers that would come through. I'm not sure if that's why, but since I've spent so much time writing theme games, sitting in on meetings about the themes, and now decorating the chapel with the themes, I just really want to travel! But it looks like the only place I'll be travelling right now is the chapel, where Shawna, Bailey, and I have been hard at work to decorate. (It's STILL not done yet, but it looks pretty good!)

The leadership staff will get here on Thursday (which, in reality, is just two more people more than the people that are out here regularly anyway), and then five more people from the program staff will get here on Friday. Then everyone else will be here by Sunday afternoon, and I think the fun will officially start there. The hardest part about this year has been the loneliness. It's hard living out in the middle of nowhere, and non-retreat weekends have been the worst since I'm generally the only one here. Even when I do have access to a car, most people I know either live too far away or are too busy when I have free time. I'm sure that will change this summer, when I'll be working with people from all over the Midwest! This year has been a whirlwind of craziness; I'm sure this week will go by fast as well!


  1. Wow! Cool stuff. Love your insight. The decor looks great! Love the In-n-out sign! But, I'll probably have a chance at Jimmy John's before I get a burger. Hope your summer is as awesome as all your prep work is!!!! Love, Mom

  2. Where are you going to get JJ's? I think the summer will be great. The staff has a Facebook group so we can chat before we get together. Today, I convinced a couple people to try skydiving, so we'll probably be doing that next month! I was chatting with one of the guys today and we both want to go to the zoo in a couple weeks, so I'm sure several of us staff will be doing that as well!

    1. There are JJ's in Eugene, Salem & north into Wash.
      You should fill in Baja, MX, on your map.

  3. You also flew into Altanta, to change planes.
    We never left the airport, but you were there on the ground.

  4. I don't really remember anything about Atlanta except for one retail employee asking where we were from. Besides, my father always told me that being in an airport didn't count for going to a a state. And with this map, you could only select states, which is way Baja Norte& Sur are not highlighted.


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