Thursday, February 14, 2013

Crown College Recruiting

On Tuesday afternoon, Emily, Jeremiah and I left on a six-hour road trip to Minnesota. We didn't get there until 10:30, but that was okay, because all we had to do that evening was visit with our friend Steph. (Oh, and on the way there, I ate at Taco John's for the first time.) But Wednesday was the important day. 

Last year I went to Crown College to recruit summer staff, and I was happy that I could go again this year. Although we didn't get to bed until around 1am, we were up early the next morning, with just enough time to eat breakfast, watch some Dick Van Dyke, and buy a 3 pound bag of candy because we forgot to get some the day before. We set up our booth (and I must say, it looked WAY better this year- the sock monkey especially pushed it over the top!) right before chapel started at 10am.
The only problem we had was that this banner broke about three times. 

 After the short chapel session, students could look at the various camp tables. There were camps from all over the place. Most were in Minnesota, but there was even one from Alaska! Although it was hard to convince people to work at Rivercrest when they had about 30 choices of camps to choose from, the positive in this was that we could network with other camps- especially Solid Rock Bible Camp of Alaska. One camp staff (I don't remember which camp) came up to our booth and recognized us from last year! (Well, he recognized me, and he thought he remembered seeing Jeremiah, but it was actually Eli who went last year- twin deception by the Twin Cities!) I also went over to the Camp Victory booth and started chatting with the staff there because I saw that they had this model of their high ropes course on their table.

 After the recruiting session, we ate lunch at the Crown cafeteria. Fortunately, it was burrito Tuesday- they make them just like Chipotle! We eventually left, and I drove all the way to Sioux City- that's actually a pretty big deal for me. We ate there at Custer's, and then continued on the road, eventually returning home after 10:30. It was fun to get out for a couple of days, and I hope to do even more trips soon (starting with two trips in March!).

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